hello, i'm dishant b.

about me

Hello, I'm Dishant, a 15-year-old boy from India currently living in California. My main hobby and true passion is coding. I love writing code to solve problems and build software. I love seeing the fruits of my labor, often hours of bug-fixing, produce something I can be proud of. The technology sector is always evolving and that means I get to learn new frameworks, use new tools, and program with new languages.

Apart from coding, I love playing soccer. I owe it to my dad who got me into the sport at a very young age. I've been playing since 2015. Sometimes, I bake things like cookies or brownies to enjoy with my family. I'm a little bit quiet around people I don't know very well or haven't met before. I also like to hang out with my friends. Around them, I'm pretty social and outgoing.

On the side, I like to design things such as personal websites, random logos, or really anything that I feel like making. Sometimes, I'll get inspired by something random and open up Figma to design my idea. I like things to be minimalistic and clean. I've never found the courage to publish or post anything, but maybe I will some day.



Monstera is a command-line-tool (CLI) that I wrote in Python. This was my first original project that I'd made. I came up with the idea after looking through GitHub issues on one of my favorite Python packages, customtkinter. The issue I saw was that whenever someone created an issue in the GitHub repository, they would forget to include important details like their version of the package or their operating system. Often, these issues were solved in the latest release, which they were not using. Monstera aims to solving this issue by making all of this information easily accessible. Just run one command in your terminal. With GitHub's issue templates, project maintainers can ask people to copy and paste the output of Monstera.


Firestarter is another command-line-tool (CLI) written in only Python. At the time, I had been learning web development with ReactJS and had been using ViteJS as my development tool. I liked how ViteJS helped developers quickly start new web development projects by creating the boilerplate files and scaffolding necessary. I wanted to bring this functionality to the Python ecosystem. So, I created Firestarter. I even wrote a small, custom language for Firestarter called fuel that allows you to setup a project without manually answering all the basic questions the CLI asks. The project isn't as featured as ViteJS because I haven't worked on it for as long as the ViteJS devs and some features (like live servers) aren't necessary.

recycle it

Recycle IT was a project I made at my first 24-hour hackathon. I participated in a hackathon in my city with a partner whom I'd met online. The theme given to us was wheels in a cog. The organizers of the competition explained that this theme referred to people within society whose jobs/roles usually go unnoticed. We decided to focus our project on municipal utilities, specifically, garbage. Our project was a desktop application that uses AI to analyze an image and decide whether the object should be recycled, trashed, or composted. We used Python, customtkinter, and a free API (for AI waste classification) to build the application. The project was a great learning experience for me and allowed me to meet new people while stepping outside of my comfort zone.

The project that me and my partner programmed was not our actual submission but rather a secondary project in case we didn't finish our main project. The WiFi and network at the hackathon venue was extremely slow and inconsistent and the rest of our team (3 other people) were trying to build a web application.

personal website

This is my currrent personal website made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I tried to keep the website as simple as possible. There are no colors or fonts. I wanted the website's overall design to have a basic yet elegant look, hence the serif font. As for why I programmed another personal website, I felt that my previous branding, specifically the smiley-face logo, was a little immature. I created this design as college was approaching. Thus, I needed a brand that a college admission's officer could look at. Plus, the website redesign gave me a chance to try out a different hero section and practice my CSS and new JavaScript skills.

av geo club

In my sophomore year of high school, I joined the AV Web Development club, a club focused on developing websites for other local and school organizations. The project that I was assigned to was building a website (from scratch) for another club, AV Geo. I used HTML, vanila JavaScript, and CSS to build the website. This project allowed me to practice designing with Figma and my web development skills. I used simple, earthy colors that related to the club's theme: geography. I encountered issues such as changing the website to be responsive (from its originally hard-coded style). I was able to overcome these issues and finish the project by the end of the school semester (December). I also learned about new tools like Nerd Fonts (for icons).

skills & tools








